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Upper & Lower Lip

Why Choose TrueCare Medical for Upper & Lower Lip Microneedling with Potenza by Cynosure?

At TrueCare Medical, we specialize in advanced aesthetic treatments, including upper and lower lip microneedling with the innovative Potenza machine by Cynosure. Our clinics in Lilburn and Suwanee, Georgia, provide a refined setting for personalized skincare solutions. The lips are a focal point of the face, and our expert team utilizes the precision of the Potenza microneedling device to target this area delicately, effectively addressing concerns such as fine lines, loss of volume, and texture irregularities. We are dedicated to offering treatments that enhance your natural beauty, ensuring results that are both noticeable and harmonious with your overall facial aesthetics.

How Upper & Lower Lip Microneedling with Potenza by Cynosure Works:

Microneedling for the upper and lower lips with the Potenza machine involves gentle yet effective use of fine needles to create micro-injuries on the lip surface. This process promotes the body's natural healing response, stimulating collagen and elastin production, which are crucial for plump, youthful lips. The treatment is adept at smoothing out lip lines, enhancing lip texture, and subtly improving the overall appearance of the lips, making them appear more rejuvenated and defined.

Treatment Experience:

Your microneedling journey begins with a thorough consultation to discuss your lip concerns and desired outcomes. We explain the procedure, the capabilities of the Potenza device, and what to expect during and after the treatment. The procedure is conducted with meticulous care, focusing on your comfort throughout. A topical numbing cream is applied to minimize any discomfort, ensuring a smooth and pleasant treatment experience.

Post-Treatment Care:

After the microneedling session with Potenza, it's common to experience some mild redness and sensitivity in the treated area, akin to a sunburn sensation. These effects are typically short-lived and subside within a few days. We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to support your recovery and optimize the treatment results, including advice on lip care, hydration, and sun protection.


  • How many sessions are typically needed for optimal results on the lips? For most clients, a series of 3-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart is recommended to achieve the best results. The exact number may vary based on individual goals and the initial condition of the lips.
  • Is the lip microneedling procedure with the Potenza machine painful? The lips are a sensitive area, but the application of a topical anesthetic cream before the procedure helps to minimize any discomfort. The Potenza device's precision also ensures a more comfortable experience.
  • What specific improvements can be expected from lip microneedling? Lip microneedling can improve the appearance of fine lines around the lips, enhance lip texture, and contribute to a more youthful and defined lip contour.
  • What is the downtime after lip microneedling? Downtime is minimal, with most clients experiencing only slight redness and sensitivity that diminishes within a couple of days. Normal activities can usually be resumed immediately after the treatment.
  • Can lip microneedling with Potenza by Cynosure be combined with other treatments? Yes, combining lip microneedling with other aesthetic treatments, such as hyaluronic acid fillers, can further enhance lip volume and definition. Our specialists will advise on the best combination of treatments for your needs.
  • How long will the results last, and is maintenance required? The results from lip microneedling can be long-lasting, especially with good aftercare, including proper hydration and sun protection. Periodic maintenance sessions may be suggested to preserve and extend the results.
  • Are there any side effects or risks with lip microneedling? Side effects are typically mild and may include temporary redness, swelling, and tenderness at the treatment sites. Our practitioners adhere to strict safety protocols to ensure a safe and effective treatment.
  • When will improvements in the lip area be noticeable? While some immediate effects may be seen, the full benefits of microneedling generally emerge as the skin heals and new collagen is formed, typically within a few weeks to months after the treatment series.
  • What aftercare practices are important following lip microneedling? Key aftercare practices include keeping the lips moisturized, avoiding direct sun exposure, and using gentle lip products that do not irritate the treated area.

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